
2021 STEER: The New Built Environment: Health, Well-Being, and Productivity

Cristina Banks, PhD
2021 STEER Topic: The New Built Environment: Health, Well-Being, and Productivity Definition of built environment ICHW model of worker health and well-being Implications What do we need to address? Physical and psychological good factors The built environment targets: physical elements The built environment targets: psychosocial elements Burnout

2021 Healthy Campus Webinar: Healthy Workplaces by Design

Cristina Banks, PhD
2021 Healthy Campus Webinar: Healthy Workplaces by Design Contents: The components of healthy workplaces (Healthy Workplaces Model) The importance of satisfying basic human needs How to build in health and well-being through “drivers” of need satisfaction How one can make small changes in the workplace through “hacking” Need satisfaction working from home vs. working at the office Anticipating new needs in a post-COVID world

2021 OEM: The New Built Environment: Materials, Spaces, and the Human Condition

Cristina Banks, PhD
2021 New Jobs, Novel Technologies, and Changing Hazards at Work and in the Environment and Updates in Occupational and Environmental Medicine Topic: The New Built Environment: Materials, Spaces, and the Human Condition Contents Definition of "built environment" ICHW model of worker health and well-being Implications What do we need to address? The built environment targets: physical environment The built environment targets: psychosocial elements

2020 ACS: Healthy Workplaces During Covid-19

Cristina Banks, PhD
2020 ACS Healthy Workplaces During Covid-19 Contents Employee experience Consequences of 100 years of Scientific Management What went wrong? Contemporary approaches to work motivation focus on human needs What are our basic needs? What is a healthy workplace? Why a healthy workplace is important for humans Contributions from the physical environment Contributions from the psychological environment Enter Covid-19 Where people are working and not working today Remote working positives Remote work negatives What needs are not fulfilled with remote work? Taking care of our basic needs How to...

2019 WSH: Development of a Healthy Workplace Assessment (Poster)

Cristina Banks, PhD
Christina Maslach, PhD
Siw Tone Innstrand, PhD
Marit Christensen, PhD
Ragnhilk Wiik, PhD
2019 Work, Stress, and Health (WSH) Topic: Development of a Healthy Workplace Assessment

UC Berkeley and two Norwegian universities, NTNU and BI Business School Stavanger, worked collaboratively to create a cross-culturally relevant assessment tool that can assess the degree to which a workplace embodies organizational elements proven to promote employee health and well-being. Through an iterative process, both US and Norwegian teams identified validated items to include in the new tool. The US team developed new items based on need theories (Maslach & Banks, 2017) where employees are...

2019 CoreNet: Our Next Now: Work Experiences for Continuous Learning

Melissa Jancourt CID, LEEP-AP
Cristina Banks, PhD
2019 CoreNet Global Summit Topic: Our Next Now: Work Experiences for Continueous Learning Contents About this study Key findings

2018 NIOSH: Applications of a Needs-Based Model of Healthy Workplaces to Field Settings: The Role of the Built Environment

Isabelle J. C. Thibau, MPH
Carolyn Winslow, PhD
Cristina Banks, PhD
2018 NIOSH Total Worker Health Conference Topic: Applications of a Needs-Based Model of Healthy Workplaces to Field Settings: The Role of the Built Environment Contents Wellness program study findings Link between built environment and need satisfaction Examples from focus groups Strategies for overcoming barriers related to the built environment

2018 NIOSH: Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces: A Different Perspective

Cristina Banks, PhD
2018 NIOSH Total Worker Health Conference Topic: Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces: A Different Perspective Contents ICHW Mission We are... Creating "Blue Zones" within Organizations Healthy Workplaces Basic Needs Healthy Workplaces Vision Roles Operationalized

2018 APS: Workplace Health Promotion and Wellness Programs (Poster)

Carolyn Winslow, PhD
Isabelle J. C. Thibau, MPH
Cristina Banks, PhD

Workplace wellness programs generally show low participation rates, and smaller organizations face unique challenges when implementing such programs. Accordingly, the purpose of this mixed method study was to generate a comprehensive list of individual- and organization-level factors that may influence wellness program adoption and participation within small and medium organizations. We adopted the Job Demands–Resources (JD-R) model (Bakker & Demerouti 2007) to serve as our guiding theoretical framework.

2018 APA: How to Increase Wellness Program Adoption and Employee Participation

Cristina Banks, PhD
2018 APA Invited Talk Topic: How to Increase Wellness Program Adoption and Employee Participation: Using Principles of Psychology Talk Summary Wellness Programs cannot be treated as a single entity. Wellness Programs differ along several important dimensions—leadership support is the most important. Adoption of Wellness Programs can increase when there is a good “fit” with organizational. Participation rates can increase when there is a match between employee needs and wellness program characteristics. Treat wellness program adoption like good employee selection.