
Is burnout the best business model?

Christina Maslach, PhD
Cristina Banks, PhD

This article critically examines the "burnout shop" business model exemplified by companies like Amazon, which prioritizes worker dedication and self-sacrifice for corporate success. Dr. Cristina Banks and Dr. Christina Maslach argue that while this approach reflects American individualism, it carries significant hidden costs. They identify three main issues:

The transformation of short-term sprints into unsustainable marathons, leading to long-term health and psychological consequences. The potential for competitive feedback systems to create toxic work environments and undermine...

California employers get a break with Brinker but what does it really mean?

Cristina Banks, PhD

This article analyzes the implications of the Brinker Restaurant Corporation v. The Superior Court of San Diego County case for California employers regarding meal and rest break compliance.

Key points:
1. The Brinker decision changed interpretations of California labor law, giving employers more flexibility in meal and rest break implementation.
2. Major changes include:

Employers need only provide, not ensure, that breaks are taken Rest breaks don't need to occur mid-shift Meal periods aren't required every five consecutive hours Employers aren't liable...

How to comply with meal and rest break law and policy

Cristina Banks, PhD

This article provides a comprehensive overview of meal and rest break compliance issues for employers.

Key points:

Review of relevant federal and state laws governing meal and rest breaks Common reasons for non-compliance, including lack of understanding, understaffing, insufficient management oversight, and corporate culture issues Discussion of the "false tug-of-war" between employee interests and compliance efforts Proposed solutions for facilitating compliance, such as sufficient staffing, reliable timekeeping, and management commitment Framework for evaluating...

Keeping exempt jobs exempt: How to avoid wage and hour litigation

Cristina Banks, PhD

Employers are stumped. How can they run efficient businesses and generate profits that investors and the street expect and not run afoul of wage and hour litigation? What is sometimes good practice in management can lead to claims of misclassification of nonexempt workers as exempt. Plaintiff awards in wage and hour litigation can be as much as ninety million dollars, as it was in Bell v. Farmer's Insurance Exchange. The challenge is to understand how well-conceived management practices, when taken to an extreme, may create an environment in which exempt employees turn themselves into non-...

How to conduct a wage and hour audit

Cristina Banks, PhD
Lloyd W. Aubry, Jr.

Companies continue to face costly lawsuits from employees challenging their failure to receive overtime pay based on the so-called "white-collar" exemptions to overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") and under parallel legislation at the state level, in particular the Wage Orders in California where the requirements exceed those under the FLSA. Elaine Chao, the U.S. Secretary of Labor responsible for issuing regulations and guidelines to ensure compliance with the FLSA, reports that in 2004 the Wage and Hour Division collected over $196 million in back wages, including...

2023 SIOP: Making Work, Work

Dustin Maneethai, Ph.D.
Cristina Banks, PhD
Christopher J. L. Cunningham, Ph.D.
Leslie Hammer, Ph.D.
Alan Witt, PhD

This presentation, led by Dustin Maneethai, Cristina G. Banks, Christopher J. L. Cunningham, Leslie Hammer, and Alan Witt, introduces a multidisciplinary approach to addressing workplace challenges and improving worker well-being. The format is inspired by the historical concept of "The Salon," encouraging open, diverse discussions to expand knowledge and thinking.

Key points:

Alan Witt discusses the importance of "place rights" and the power of physical environments in shaping work experiences. Cristina Banks emphasizes the role of I-O psychologists in building design, focusing...

2023 Work, Stress and Health Conference: New Building Design: A Total Worker Health Opportunity

Cristina Banks, PhD
Alan Witt, PhD

This presentation by Cristina Banks (University of California, Berkeley) and Alan Witt (University of Houston) outlines an innovative approach to new building design that prioritizes occupant well-being and work effectiveness. The authors argue that new building projects present a unique opportunity to integrate Total Worker Health® principles from the ground up.

The presentation contrasts traditional building design processes, which often consider occupant needs late in the process, with a novel approach implemented for the Hobby School's new building. This new method involves...

2023 Work Experience: It’s Not About Stuff

Cristina Banks, PhD
Presentation to Workspace Oy, Helsinki, Finland, June 2023 Presentation to CoreNet Houston, Houston TX, June 2023 Presentation (virtual) to Google Workplace R&D Conference, March 2023

2024 COEH Building Bridges Conference: Traditional and Alternative Employment in Contemporary Work

Cristina Banks, PhD
Ed Yelin, PhD
Topic: Traditional and Alternative Employment in Contemporary Work:
Who Takes Responsibility for Workers’ Well-being?

This presentation by Cristina Banks and Edward Yelin from the California Labor Lab examines the evolving landscape of employment and its implications for worker well-being. The authors focus on the shift from traditional to alternative employment arrangements and the resulting diffusion of responsibility for workers' welfare.

Key points:

An overview of NIOSH's Total Worker Health® (TWH) approach, which integrates health protection and promotion to advance...

2023 GSA Digital Workplace

Cristina Banks, PhD
Topic: What do occupants need? The Goal

“The state of positive mental, physical, and social functioning in which workers’ experiences of their work and working conditions enable them to thrive in their overall lives, contributing to their ability to achieve their full potential in their work, home, and community.”

What Supports employees doing their work well. Provides opportunities for cognitive refreshment. Provides comfortable amounts of environmental control. Supports bonding among employees. Protects employee safety and security. Provides choice in place and timing of activities...