2023 Work, Stress and Health Conference: New Building Design: A Total Worker Health Opportunity


This presentation by Cristina Banks (University of California, Berkeley) and Alan Witt (University of Houston) outlines an innovative approach to new building design that prioritizes occupant well-being and work effectiveness. The authors argue that new building projects present a unique opportunity to integrate Total Worker Health® principles from the ground up.

The presentation contrasts traditional building design processes, which often consider occupant needs late in the process, with a novel approach implemented for the Hobby School's new building. This new method involves early and extensive occupant input, facilitated by a team of psychologists working alongside architects and designers.

Key components of the process include:
1. Workshops to define the building's mission and vision
2. Exercises to identify ideal work experiences
3. Detailed work analysis questionnaires
4. Assessment of work and non-work experience qualities needed

The authors demonstrate how this occupant-centered approach leads to a more holistic design that considers not just physical space requirements, but also the psychological and social needs of the building's users. The presentation concludes by emphasizing the importance of engaged occupants, leadership support, and thorough conflict resolution in successful building design.

This approach represents a significant shift in building design philosophy, aligning closely with Total Worker Health® principles by creating environments that actively support worker well-being and productivity.

Publication date: 
October 17, 2023
Publication type: 