2022 NeoCon: Vital Signs of a Workplace


2022 NeoCon Conference

Topic: Vital Signs of a Workplace

Just as medical personnel check a person’s vital signs for health and well-being, so can experts check the vital signs of a workplace.  The human body’s vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and various components of the blood, signal to medical personnel how a body is functioning in key aspects of life.  What are the vital signs of a workplace that can suggest whether serious problems exist or the workplace is operating effectively in the manner desired?  We propose a set of key elements of a workplace that can differentiate between a “healthy workplace” and a workplace that possesses serious threats to its “healthiness” for occupants.   We propose seven vital signs derived from extensive research on the relationship between attributes of the built environment and satisfaction of basic human needs.  These attributes are qualities of places that promote need satisfaction:  Connection, Comfort, Flexibility, Predictability, Privacy, Security, and Equity. Evidence supporting the link between these vital signs and occupant health, well-being, and productivity will be presented.


  1. The premise
  2. The goal
  3. Vital signs of health
  4. Vital signs of health indicate pathways to improvement
  5. What is the link between the physical environment and occupant behavior and emotions?
  6. Implications
  7. What physical and psychological states are important for triggering positive psychologic responses?
  8. What set of workplace design qualities create the opportunity for need satisfaction?
  9. Study: Applying design qualities
  10. How to create healthy workplaces
Publication date: 
July 13, 2022
Publication type: 