Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA

Job title: 
Principal at Design With Science

Sally Augustin, PhD, is a practicing environmental/design psychologist and the principal at Design With Science. She has extensive experience integrating science-based insights to develop recommendations for the design of places, objects, and services that support desired cognitive, emotional, and physical experiences.  Her Design With Science clients include manufacturers, service providers, and design firms in North America, Europe, and Asia.  They book Design With Science's services again and again—applying neuroscience pays off.  More information on clients and past work is available upon request.

Dr. Augustin is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association.

Work completed by Dr. Augustin has been discussed in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Forbes, Huffington Post, Psychology Today, Prevention, Salon, and Self and design publications worldwide. She is an invited contributor to the online version of the Harvard Business Review  where she has contributed articles on a range of topics, from engaging workplaces to design and culture. For Metropolis, she has written a series of articles about successful spaces titled "Places that Work." She has discussed using design to enhance lives on mass-market national television and radio programs.

As the editor of Research Design Connections, Dr. Augustin has written widely on science-based design for a broad audience of people interested in the designed world.  She speaks frequently to audiences in North America, Europe, and Asia at events such as the annual meeting of the American Institute of Architects, the International Design & Emotion Conference, the bi-annual meeting of the International Positive Psychology Association, the bi-annual meeting of the Association of Neuroscience for Architecture, NeoCon/IIDEX, the American Psychological Association’s annual meeting, the Environmental Design Research Association annual conference, Healthcare Design, Living-Futures, and Applied Brilliance. 

Sally Augustin is a graduate of Wellesley College (BA), Northwestern University (MBA), and Claremont Graduate University (PhD). She holds leadership positions in professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association (past-president, environmental psychology division) and the Environmental Design Research Association (chair, work environments network).  

Dr. Augustin is the author of Designology (Mango, 2019), Place Advantage:  Applied Psychology for Interior Architecture (Wiley, 2009) and, with Cindy Coleman, The Designer’s Guide to Doing Research:  Applying Knowledge to Inform Design (Wiley, 2012).


Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Conference Paper, 2022
Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA; Cynthia Milota, MA; Cristina Banks, PhD
Conference Paper, 2022
Cristina Banks, PhD; Christina Maslach, PhD; Alan Witt, PhD; Siw Tone Innstrand, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA; Michael P. Leiter, PhD; Ragnhilk Wiik, PhD; Marit Christensen, PhD
Presentation, 2022
Cristina Banks, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Podcast, 2021
Alex Alonso, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA; Cristina Banks, PhD; Drew Jones, PhD
Presentation, 2021
Cristina Banks, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Conference Paper, 2021
Cristina Banks, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Presentation, 2021
Cristina Banks, PhD; Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA; Cynthia Milota, MA
Poster, 2021
Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Article, 2021
Sally Augustin, PhD, MBA
Conference Paper, 2020