Kathleen Mosier, PhD

Job title: 
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, San Francisco State University

Dr. Mosier is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology from San Francisco State University and the Founder and Principal Scientist of TeamScape LLC, a company founded to conduct research on teams in work environments. She is the President of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), the federation of ergonomics and human factors societies around the world.  The mission of the IEA is to elaborate and advance ergonomics science and practice, and to expand its scope of application and contribution to society to improve the quality of life, working closely with its constituent societies and related international organizations. 

Dr. Mosier is a past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2009-2010) and of the Association for Aviation Psychology (1996-2000). She has been conducting research on expert teams, automation, cognition, and decision making for over 25 years. Her current research concerns the impact of work environment changes on remote teams in space operations. She is Co-PI on a NASA-funded project to examine psycho-social aspects of crew autonomy in long duration space missions. Dr. Mosier received her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from University of California, Berkeley in 1990. She worked at NASA Ames Research Center as a Post-doctoral Research Associate (1990-1993) and Senior Research Scientist (1994-1997).

Research interests: 

expert teams, automation, cognition, decision making, impact of work environment changes on remote teams in space operations



Cristina Banks, PhD; Kathleen Mosier, PhD; Andrew S. Imada; Kriss J. Kennedy; Christopher Miller
Conference Paper, 2020
Cristina Banks, PhD; Kathleen Mosier, PhD; Kriss Kennedy; Christopher Miller; Andrew Imada
Presentation, 2019
Cristina Banks, PhD; Deborah L. Gebhardt, PhD; David Rempel, MD; Kathleen Mosier, PhD; Nancy Larson, PhD; Blake McGowan
Presentation, 2018